Please feel free to stop by and visit. Due to Covid 19, we have reduced capacity inside the gallery, ask that you continue distancing from others, and recommend that you wear a mask inside. 

Please see our about page for opening hours and make sure you visit our instagram page for our sitting artist takeovers! 


Keep an eye on this page for our next exhibition and live music show announcements!


On Now

  • Thu 3rd Oct, 2024 until Sat 26th Oct, 2024

    Erin Hartley: Decoy

    De-coy: a bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, used by hunters to attract other birds or mammals. to lure or entice (a person or animal) away from an intended course, typically into a trap. The song of the rain smattering the once silent landscape, rings in my ears like the aftermath of an earthquake - angrily rattling windows and poorly hung paintings. I ground myself by digging my heels deeper into the wet earth, with my toes wrapped in warm cream colored socks cocooned in muddy yellow boots. As the rain beads off my back, I tenderly tuck my head beneath my wings; I welcome the wake that pushes me into the bramble. - Erin Hartley is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in North Saanich, BC. She primarily works within the timeline of the beginnings of home cinema and alternative analog photography, to the digital revolution of the early 90s - 2000s. Erin holds a BFA with Honors and Distinction in Visual Arts & Film Studies from the University of Victoria, and she has been the recipient of the Pat Martin Bates Award, the Emily Apinis-Grundstein Scholarship and the Asper Scholarship In Media and Video Art. Erin has been featured in multiple Victoria, BC based exhibitions and international publications and lm festivals. The combination of technologies; comparing and contrasting the tactile characteristics of video and photography is the bac... read more...

  • Coming Up

    We are gathering information for the next exhibition. Check back soon!